Dealing with the passing of a loved one can be a traumatic experience. But... what if that loved one is a GUINEA PIG!?!? How emotional can one get over the passing of a rodent? I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder, or in this case, in the eye of the owner. The human bond between humans and pets in unquestionable.
Here's a note someone received after her dear Guinea Pig passed away. She bawled her eyes out for over a month, and her dear friends provided their words of console with this message.
My dear Man: That was no ordinary roudent, that was DORCA.The most wonderful guinea pig in the world. Remember when I use to walk him on a leash? And how he loved to be held? It was a great comment. N.
Hey: The post about the note to Mom, that one broke my heart. I still believe what you wrote that day, and ... Ihave always forgotten you about the watch. Ja, ja! Love, MOM!!!!!1
oh, don't be so hard. surely you loved him a little too! :-) Pets are just furry children -- we love them and care for them and miss them when they're gone.
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