Sunday, December 7, 2008

Crush Groove

School crushes are so sweet, especially when the notes you write to the subject of your secret admiration are chockfull of grammar and spelling errors. It just goes to show that innocence is a cute and powerful thing.

Here is a found note passed on September 29, 1977, somewhere in Puerto Rico. Aside from the youthful confidence, it also shows the magic of a world before text messaging was king.

Here’s a rough translation:

Dear Z:
My darling, there is something I need to tell you, or better yet, I need to clarify something. I am Clark Kent, Superman, a super man, that is. Ok. Baby, you’ll need to save this love and your kisses for me.

Mua [repeated]
8 kisses for you. Good day, honey.

Goooood-bye. I’ll see you in school.
Love. Love. Loooove!

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