Friday, December 26, 2008

A special Christmas find!

Christmas is supposed to be the season of cheer. So why is this lady so ticked off? Can't she take a joke?
Above is a letter that said lady wrote to a local Toyota dealer. It is her response to an ad the dealer ran in the newspaper. The ad depicts a Santa Claus so tempted by the super low prices at this particular Toyota dealer, that his fangs have come out as an expression of hunger/desire to take advantage the sale. [The ad was also playing up the Halloween element].
Of course, this lady took it the wrong way. To her, it's all about the devil!!! What a party pooper!

Here, a rough translation:
[Page 1]
Dear President [of the dealership]:
I am including an ad you ran in [the newspaper] on Oct. 17. How awful! Your company often produces such great advertising, yet this one is so horrible.

[Page 2]

How dare you place the D***l's fangs on Santa Claus?
Santa Claus is for children and tarnishing his image with those teeth is just going too far. You could have placed some pumpkins or anything else, but not fangs. You sir, as President of the dealership...

[Page 3]

...should be more careful when approving the ads your agency presents to you. How would you explain this crappy ad to your kids or grandchildren?

[Page 4, written on the ad itself]
Horrible! Terrible! Ugly! Bad!

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